Silly Paint

Welcome to the Silly Paint website! Silly Paint is a fun drawing activity to do when you are trying to keep yourself occupied. Just like many other painting games, silly paint is simple and has a vaiety of your favored colors, including a clear button.

Featured colors:

  • red
  • orange
  • yellow
  • green
  • light blue
  • blue
  • purple
  • pink
  • gray
  • white
  • This app is for all ages. Picture yourself at the grocery
    store with your child and you can seem to stop them from putting
    your hands on everything.. What can you do? Silly Paint is a useful
    and funway to keep your child occupied while you continue shopping.
    This app can also be used for important projects.Say you are a creative
    designer or a fashion editor and you are suddenly inspired for your next project
    while walking in the street, how can I capture this idea? First you think,
    maybe a picture? But that is not going to capture the image in your mind.
    Silly Paint can make this easier for you, by just sketching your idea
    down on this app you can easily save it and look back to
    it when you are at the office.

    download for iPhone, iPad, iPod, Andriod, Tablets.